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Victor's Descendants

4th Generation
Alex Lavallo
Neil Kypers
Ryan D. Kypers
Tyler Kypers
Gary Kypers
Brian R. Ahern
Jonathan Ahern
Margaret A. Nichols
Kathryn Rose Nichols
Madelaine Tew
Katherine Sammon
Kyle Sammon
Rebekah Delks
Kevin Sammon
Grace Sammon
Aidan Weymouth
Henri Weymouth
5th Generation
Hunter Ahern
Caitlin Ahern
Samuel E. Douglas
Benjamin R. Douglas
Marlee Matthews
Kaitlyn E. Albers
Dylan Albers
Olivia Edwards
Dean Edwards
Michael Ortiz
Marcus Ortiz
Makena Ortiz
Ben Kypers
Meryl Grant
Max Grant
Tristen Lane
Elijah Lane
Willow Rose
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